Backing up Infiniband Swithes
1/28/2012 05:49:00 PM
Gönderen Mete Karar
If you're an Exadata admin, your title becomes DMA (Database Machine Administrator) instead of DBA. Since backups are routine tasks of every DBA, scope of what to backup extends a little bit when it comes to Exadata. Beyond the databases, you need to backup hardware also.
So, let's start with infiband swithes. Before configurations changes or updating its software it's a good practice to backup them. There are 3 things to backup and actually it's a really simple thing to do.
Here are the steps for firwware version 1.3.3:
1. Login to switch's ILOM interface. There should be an https address for that
2. Click on the "Maintenance" tab an then "Backup/Restore"
3. Select "Backup" as operation and "Browser" as transfer method from the drop downs
4. Write a passphrase
5. Click "Run" button and save the XML output.
6. For the next item to backup logon to switch through ssh
7. Take a backup of the file opensm.conf under /etc/opensm/ directory to somewhere else.
8. Last to backup is the output of the commad: version
Don't forget to repeat steps for other infiband switches too:)
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