Upgrading Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c R1 to 12c R2
9/14/2012 05:45:00 PM
Gönderen Mete Karar
1. Download installation files from OEM Downloads page and unzip them. A disk space of 5.3 GB is required for decompressed installation files.
2. Stop OMS. You can also stop the service when installer prompts you to say it is still running.
$ emctl stop oms
3. Run the installer
$ ./runInstaller
As a prerequisite, emkey should be configured properly. Run the following command:
$ emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_host <host_fqdn> -repos_port <port_number> -repos_sid <database_sid> -repos_user sysman -emkey_file /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3.5/oms/sysman/config/emkey.ora
During installation process, repository database is also upgraded.
NFS Sharing for Linux
9/13/2012 06:14:00 PM
Gönderen Mete Karar
Sharing a directory using NFS to other Linux systems is a common and handy way. To be able to explain briefly, let me separate tasks into two as server and client side. I use Oracle Linux 6 and Oracle Linux 5 respectively as server and client, though just the opposite goes through same steps. However these commands should run on every Red Hat based system.
On the server that you will create the share, edit the export file:
$ vi /etc/exports
Add line(s) to file such as:
/share_dir *(rw,sync,fsid=0)
Pay attention not to use extra space on a line, it may cause a problem. Here, instead of "*" - which means sharing is for every one, to world - you can use client's IP or FQDN as shown above. Also if it's going to be read-only share write "ro" instead of "rw". We use "fsid=0" parameter not to get "mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted" error.
Permissions of directory, "/share_dir" and/or "/shares/nfs", should be read and execute to others if it's a read-only share or read-write and execute to others if it's writable. Otherwise you will face with "mount.nfs4: Permission denied" error when mounting the share. So alter permissions of directory:
$ chmod 757 /share_dir
Restart related services (If your server is Linux 5, use portmap instead of portreserve. ):
$ /etc/init.d/portreserve restart
$ /etc/init.d/nfs restart
You can check shares by:
$ showmount -e <server_ip>
$ exportfs -avr
On the client simply mount the share by:
$ mount -t nfs4 <server_ip_or_host_name>:/ /mnt
Notice that, even the shared directory is "/share_dir" or "/shares/nfs" we use "/" only.